January is for Practicing, not Perfecting 🌱
By the third week of January, it’s safe to say many of us are already feeling the weight of those New Year’s resolutions. The festive glow has faded, the routines are back in full swing, and for a lot of people, the momentum of “New Year, New Me” is starting to fizzle out. In fact, studies show that around 23% of people abandon their resolutions in the first week alone, and by now, over half have thrown in the towel.
But here’s the thing: January doesn’t have to be a mad dash to self-improvement. What if, instead of feeling behind already, we gave ourselves permission to ease into the year? What if we treated January as a practice month — a time to stretch, reflect, and gently find our rhythm for 2025?
The All or Nothing Trap
Chatting with fellow jewellers and small business pals, there’s sometimes a shared sense of overwhelm when it comes to starting the year. There’s this pressure to go all-in after the holidays, to “hit the ground running” and make every day count. But this all-or-nothing mindset often leads to burnout before we’ve even gotten through winter.
I’ve been there more times than I care to admit. Over the past few years, I’ve fallen into the cycle of setting lofty goals, trying to do it all, and then feeling deflated when I couldn’t keep up. It was exhausting, and it wasn’t sustainable. Last year, though, I had a pivotal moment where I realised something had to change. I couldn’t keep sprinting through life and expecting to have energy left for the things that truly mattered.
So, I did something different: I slowed down. I broke the cycle. And instead of resolutions, I chose a word for the year: ENOUGH.
The Power of One Word
That one word became my guiding light for 2024. Every time I felt the pull to do more, to be more, to achieve more, I reminded myself that I was already enough. It wasn’t about striving for perfection or living every day to the max. It was about taking small, intentional steps that aligned with my values and priorities. By the end of the year, I noticed a huge shift in my mindset. I felt calmer, more grounded, and proud of the growth I’d achieved without burning out.

The mantra collection came from this experience. I’m a very visual person, and I need to physically see something every day — a subconscious little nod to my intentions. Creating a piece of jewellery with my word engraved on it became a way to keep that word close, literally and figuratively. It’s a simple yet powerful reminder of what matters most. For anyone unfamiliar, this collection is all about choosing a single word to carry with you throughout the year — a word that uplifts, inspires, and keeps you aligned. It’s not about guilt or pressure; it’s about creating a gentle focus for the year ahead.
Welcoming 2025 with “BRAVE”
For 2025, my word is BRAVE. It’s about stepping into the unknown with courage, allowing myself to try, fail, and try again. It’s a word that encourages growth without the exhausting chase for perfection. And it’s a reminder to be kind to myself, even when things don’t go as planned.
So, if you’re three weeks into January and already feeling like 2025 is running away from you, I invite you to pause. Breathe. And rethink the pressure we put on ourselves to be perfect right out of the gate. What if January could be a month of practicing, not perfecting? What if you chose just one word to guide you, instead of a list of resolutions to follow? You might find, as I did, that it’s the small, steady steps that lead to the biggest changes.
And hey, if you’re looking for a way to keep your word close, you know where to find the Mantra Collection. Here’s to a calm, intentional start to the year — one that leaves plenty of space for growth and joy.